中图分类号S865.4+9 文献标识码A 文章编号0517—66ll(20lO)25—13739—02
Effect of Biogas Liquid Oil the Growth and Breeding
of Earthworm
HAO Min-jie et al(Institute of Geography,Henan Academy of
Sciences,Zhengzhou,Henan 450052)
Abstract: [Objective] 1he reference for
the utilization of the biogag liquid as resource in earthworm—raising wag
provided through the research 011 the effect of the biogas liquid a5 moisture
liquid on the earthworm—raising.『Method 1 11le earthworm--Chizian being taken as
experimental material,the effect of biogas liquid on carthwornl
growth,multiplication and hatching was re.arched based on the design of the
biogas liquid added into two treatments,in which tlle earthworm was cultured in
the fermented and un—fermented dung,respective.for the moisture.keeping and the
water treatment 1t8 CK.I Results The daily weight—increasing of earthworm was
significantly promoted in the treatment that the earth. worln was cultured in
the fermented durig and biogas liquid Wag added.The cocoon of earthworm was
chosen for the hatching experiment and results showed that its multiplication
was negatively affected by the addition of biogas liquid.Thus,the addition of
biogas liquid had obviously promoting role in the growth of adult and young
earthworm;but it was not conducive to the reproduction and hatching of
earthworm. [Conclusion]In the practical appficafion of the biogas liquid in
earthworm-raising,it could be apphed in the growth stage of earthworm and not,be
used in its reproduction stage.
Key words: Biogas
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