中图分类号s216.4 文献标识码A 文章编号0517—661l(2013)04—01501—03
Effect of Utilization of Biogas Slurry OR Crop
Growth and Soil Quality
LI Ping et al(Institute of A扣cultural
Engineering,Chongqing Academy of Agicultural Sciences,Chongqing 401329)
Abstract :As t11e residue from the anaerobic fermentation of organic solid
wastes,biogas slurry have abundant N,P,K,amino acids.vira.min,mineral elements
and other beneficial biology active matters.Application of solution of biogas
slurry can not only effectivelv promote the yield of crop,change the qualities
of vegetables,but also increase the soil pH to a certain degree,prevent soil
acidification,reduce salt dam.
age,improve fertilizer
efficiency.Although,long-term applying fertilizer would cause the accumulation
of antibiotics and heavy metal pollute,but comparing chemical fertilizer,it was
harmless.Biogas slurry utilization in China was still in exploration phase at
present;society has not a safety conscious on process and utilization of biogas
slurry.So,constructing irrigation and biogas slurry monitoring system which is
suitable for different regions and different soil types is imperative.
Key words: Biogas slurry;Irrigation;Crop yield;Environment safety
随着我国畜禽养殖业集约化、规模化的快速发展,为了减少成倍增加的畜禽养殖废弃物对环境的危害和破坏,利用沼气工程技术将养殖废物减量化、资源化、无害化已成为畜牧业可持续发展不可或缺的重要组成部分。2007年国家《可再生能源中长期发展规划》以及农业部编制出台的《全国农村沼气工程建设规划》中提出,到2020年,全国农村沼气户用达8 000万户,大中型沼气设施工程达8 000处,年利用沼气量达440亿m3。重庆市也将沼气工程的进一步开发、拓展纳入《重庆市“十二五”新能源产业发展规划》中。可见,随着公众对环境保护意识的不断提高与国家财政的继续扶持,养殖场沼气工程建设在今后相当长的时期内还将得到更进一步的发展。
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