中图分类号S 181.3 文献标识码A 文章编号0517—661 l(2014)23—07960—03
Study On Nutrient Contents and Security of Biogas
Residue and Fluid
CHEN Wei et al(Agricultural Technology Promotion Center
in Liaoyang City,Liaoyang,Liaoning 1 1 1000)
research aimed to study nutrient contents and security of the tested biogas
residue and fluid.[Method]By testing the biogas residue and fluid generated by
large biogas project normally running,and contrasting with the relevant national
standards,nutrient contents and security of biogas residue and fluid were
obtained.[Result]Organic matter content of the biogas residue surpassed national
organic fortilizer standards,and total nutrient basically reached national
indicators.Organic matter content and total nutrient of the biogas fluid were
lower than national organic fertilizer standards.Biogas residue and fluid were
suitable to mix with other nutrients.Heavy metal contents of the tested biogas
residue and fluid were lower than national compound fertilizer standards,which
could be as supply source of safe nutrient for agricultural
production.Schistosome,hookworm and parasite eggs in the tested biogas residue
and fluid were zero,showing fermentation process of biogas projeet could kill
harmful eggs.[Conclusion]The research could provide theoretical basis for biogas
residue and fluid applying in agricultural
Key words
Biogas residue;Biogas fluid;Nutrient content;Security
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